Posts Tagged 'customer service'

Delightful Customer Service: 12 Steps to a Better Bottom Line

October 5 2015 No Commented

Customer service is in a crisis mode.  Consider the facts: The American Customer Satisfaction Index stood at a barely passing grade (74) in its first year of measurement (1994).  Today it is still in the low 70’s. 60% of so-called “satisfied” customers regularly switch companies or brands. Last year, over one quarter of a billion […]

Winning Marketing Strategy: The Rules

September 25 2015 No Commented

This presentation focuses on successful marketers and explores their strategies for success. This lively, interactive session identifies ten universal rules for strategic success with countless clues. Participants can forever shelve their “ad hoc” approach to strategy and can take home an approach that can be implemented the next day. In essence, this approach to marketing […]

Catch the Next Wave

August 5 2015 No Commented

Everyone knows that the food retail environment is changing. Traditional food retailers are facing diminished profits and in many cases bankruptcy. On line food shopping and non-traditional food retailers like dollar stores and drug stores are taking share and profits.  Consumers are seeking greater convenience, quicker check-out, friendlier service, more ethnic products, and now make […]

Winning Cutomer Rules

May 5 2015 No Commented

Shopping may be Americans’ favorite pastime, but many shoppers don’t even know the rules of the game. Companies and their customers are both frustrated by the shopping process. For example, what’s the most important thing to know before you buy something? How reliable are brand names if you’re looking for quality? How can you get […]

Delightful Customer Service: 12 Steps to a Better Bottom Line

June 29 2009 No Commented

by Richard George & John Stanton SLC Publishing Sewell, NJ (2005) $24.95 plus $2.50 shipping and handling Purchase from Order direct from

Success Leaves Clues

June 28 2009 No Commented

by Richard George and John Stanton 2nd Edition Silver Lake Publishing Los Angeles, CA (1999)

Food Marketing Expert, Customer Service Expert

June 22 2009 No Commented
Recent Press

I consider myself a food marketing expert based on working in the food marketing vineyards for over thirty years, as author, consultant, researcher, consumer products brand manager, mentor, expert witness, but mostly as an observer and professor of food marketing. My areas of expertise are food marketing strategy, consumer behavior, retailing, and customer service. I […]

Troy Mummert, Shultz Foods

June 19 2009 No Commented

“It was a pleasure to hear your presentation. I have never been in a marketing seminar that was half as interesting as you made this one. Thanks for your presentation and inspiration. You have a passion and it shows.”

Childhood Obesity

June 4 2009 No Commented

Early this decade obesity was declared a global epidemic, and the nutritional value and marketing practices to children of branded food products were declared causative factors…Download the full text.

Dr. G. Honored with BW ‘Favorite Professors’

June 4 2009 No Commented

Saint Joseph’s students know they can call on Richard George for advice any time, except during the summer when he’s off playing with dolphins…Read more of the Business Week article.