Taco Bell Pushes Higher For Drive-Thru Customers (Literally), Tom Ryan, Forbes, August 21, 2021

August 9 2022 No Commented
  • “A terrific concept that enhances the customer’s desire forconvenient, speedy and contactless service.”
  • “Like the EZ Pass concept this highlights the ability to quickly pickup mobile orders. When I drive through the EZ Pass lanes I alwayswonder why people wait in line to pay a toll. Same here.”
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“Before Wawa, there was Heritage’s Dairy Stores in South Jersey” Melanie Burney, Philadelphia Inquirer, November 26, 2017

November 29 2017 No Commented
  • According to family legend, Skeeter Jr. made a handshake agreement with Grahame Wood, founder of Wawa Inc., in the 1960s, and Wawa employees were sent to work at Heritage’s stores to learn the business when Wood added stores to the family’s milk business. For years, Wawa didn’t open any stores in direct competition with Heritage’s, but that changed after Wood’s death in 1982, Skeeter III said.
  • A Wawa spokeswoman couldn’t confirm the anecdote, but Richard J. George, a food marketing professor at St. Joseph’s University, said it would seem likely that Wood would seek to replicate the Heritage business model.
  • “Good artists copy; great artists steal [ideas]. I think that’s what happened here,” George said.
  • “Even though they don’t have the scale of Wawa, they have a niche,” George said. “Heritage will continue to survive and do well.”
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“Upscale Markets Seek San Fernando Valley’s Food Dollar.” Bob Straus, Los Angeles Daily News, October 20, 2010.

November 23 2010 No Commented
  • “With the economy the way it is, it’s a bit expensive to go out to dinner.”
  • “But you can get your food prepared at these new markets and take care of a couple of things, like your beverage and side dishes, at home. And you can save the tip.”
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“Web-based Ordering Helps Domino’s Win a Larger Slice of the Pie.” Zlati Meyer, Detroit Free Press, September 20, 2010.

November 22 2010 No Commented
  • “Online ordering lets customers get familiar with the menu, take their time ordering, access coupons and calculate calories based on different toppings. “
  • “According to my research, four percent of baby boomers and 17 percent of people ages 24-34 order food online.”
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Sharon Boyle, Foodservice Sales & Marketing Association

August 20 2009 No Commented

“Our attendees enjoyed your presentation at the recent Top2Top Conference.  Approximately, ninety percent of the respondents rated your presentation in the top two boxes in terms of content, delivery, and value.  Thank you for helping making Top2Top an outstanding event.”

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Jim Corcoran, National Confectioners Association

August 20 2009 No Commented

“Thanks again for everything.  The New Items Trend session at the All Candy Expo turned out great.  We had a number of exhibitors tell us that buyers were looking for items mentioned in the session.”

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2002 – 2007: Brissa, Inc. and Plaza Redbud, Inc. v. Beverage Products Corporation

July 22 2009 No Commented

Analysis to determine causation of Plaintiff’s business problems in the grocery business. Report delivered. Awaiting trial.

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Kathy L. Chandler, Acosta Sales & Marketing

July 22 2009 No Commented

“We met at the Acosta Marketing Meeting held at SJU this past August when you spoke to our group. I have to say, in all the years that we have surveyed the group asking for opinions and thoughts, we have never had 100% thought the speaker was great, until this year. You received extremely high marks from everyone in the group. You were informative and never for a moment boring. We enjoyed your presentation immensely.”

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2007: McMahan Securities L.P. v. FB Foods, Inc.

July 21 2009 No Commented

Analysis to determine the conceptual and practical soundness of a new product development plan as well as an analysis of the probability of market success. Report delivered. Testified at preliminary hearing. Settled.

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2006: Pfizer. Inc. v. Walter Lehneis and Novartis Consumer Health, Inc.

July 20 2009 No Commented

Analysis to determine if the defendant’s action of hiring a Pfizer employee to develop the strategy of a competing Novartis product, compromised the brand strategy and the potential for the Pfizer brand’s market success. Report delivered.

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