Author Archive A Nutrition Education Toolkit for Children and Their Families

The “epidemic” in childhood obesity has been attributed to various factors: increases in television and computer game use; the explosive proliferation of fast-food restaurants; increases in sugary and fat-laden foods displayed at children’s eye level in supermarkets; working parents who are unable to find the time or energy to cook nutritious meals or supervise outdoor […]
IFDA Peck Fellowship – Mature Millennials v Mature Baby Boomers

This research is an attempt to better understand the older members of Generation Y and to compare their foodservice attitudes and behaviors to the older members of the Baby Boom generation. Older Generation Y will be referred to as Mature Millennials (MM). Older Baby Boomers will be referred to as Mature Baby Boomer (MBB). In particular, foodservice operators need […]
Delightful Customer Service: 12 Steps to a Better Bottom Line
Success Leaves Clues
Independent Operator Insights Into Wholesaler Relations and Services

Curious how independents like their wholesalers? Whether IOs use wholesaler-provided services such as merchandising, advertising and category management programs and how they rate them? This report provides all the insights into the wholesaler-independent relationship. Developed in cooperation with St. Joseph’s university and based on input from almost 150 independents across the country, this study includes: […]
Food Marketing Expert, Customer Service Expert

I consider myself a food marketing expert based on working in the food marketing vineyards for over thirty years, as author, consultant, researcher, consumer products brand manager, mentor, expert witness, but mostly as an observer and professor of food marketing. My areas of expertise are food marketing strategy, consumer behavior, retailing, and customer service. I […]